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Teaching America To Read

Writer's picture: Meghan SchelziMeghan Schelzi

You likely already know…That if you teach children 10 words, they can read 10 words….


BUT did you also know that more importantly…that if you teach children the sounds of 10 letters….


They can read:

  • 350 three-sound words

  • 4,320 four-sound words

  • 21,650 five-sound words

It’s simple.

And we tend to overcomplicate it.


Like any skill we want to learn - learning to read takes 2 main things;


1. Sequential, direct, systematic instruction

2. Consistency, repetition and practice


When we break reading down to its core, we get sentences, phrases and words. And words, are made up of sounds.


So it would JUST. MAKE. SENSE. that similarly, in our instruction we break down sentences into words and words into sounds and build from there. (Otherwise we’re just building on quicksand).


Providing children with the tools to unlock the English language MATTERS.

It matters A. LOT.


The #1 request parents have for their child when they come to me?…

CONFIDENCE for their child in their relationship to reading.


And it begins with a solid foundation for being able to identify, decode and encode sounds, words, and sentences.


I’m on a mission to shift the numbers that just aren’t changing in decades…

  • Like that 34% of 4th graders are reading below proficiency

  • Or that 69% of 8th graders are below grade level

  • Or that 53% of adults are reading below a 6th grade reading level


Kids (& adults!) deserve the tools to read and write accurately, fluently and possibly even… with a little JOY!!


I’ll be over here pouring my energy into simplifying reading instruction and teaching America to read because lately (& probably since I was a kid) all signs point to teaching (& loving school) as being my vocation.


When I get in front of a child or a teacher (stay tuned for what’s building!) I just can’t help but feel the momentum, the energy and the JOY for reading build!


Wishing you JOY-filled reading,

Ms. Schelzi 


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